A lot of us have probably experienced forgetting our wallet or credit card when hanging out with family, friends, or a partner. But if this happens repeatedly, it might be a sign that something is off.
One woman shared her situation on Reddit, wondering if she was wrong for not wanting to pay for her boyfriend and his kids’ meals again after he forgot his credit card yet again. She mentioned that she and her boyfriend had been together for nine months, and he has two daughters from a previous relationship who really enjoy going out to eat.
They usually go out to eat once a week, but her boyfriend always leaves his wallet behind, which means she ends up covering the bill for everyone every single time.

The last time they decided to go out, she texted him to remind him to bring his wallet, but he laughed it off.
When they got to the restaurant, the kids began picking the most expensive things on the menu. Before they dug in, the woman turned to her boyfriend and asked if he had his wallet. He looked surprised and started checking his pockets. After a moment, he said, “I think I left it in the other jeans I was going to wear,” and then asked her to pay for the meal “just this once.”
At that point, she felt really fed up, so she grabbed her bag and stood up.

When he asked her where she was headed, she replied that she wasn’t going to pay for dinner “this time AGAIN” and told him to enjoy his meal with the kids.
Later on, he called her and claimed she didn’t care about his kids. He said he had to cancel everything and take his kids home without any food.
“We ended up arguing, and he’s been upset with me ever since, saying I need to reconsider how I treat the kids and that I was okay with them going hungry because of my selfishness,” she wrote in her post, wondering if she did something wrong.
People on Reddit agreed that she wasn’t at fault because it seemed like he “forgot” his wallet on purpose and was trying to take advantage of her.
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You’re not the bad guy here. Seriously, you should break up with him. He’s just going to take advantage of you forever and make you feel bad about yourself, one commenter said. Another person chimed in, saying, “You’re definitely not at fault. This guy is super manipulative and has so many warning signs. By the way, I think it’s amazing that you left him. If you had stayed, he would have made you feel guilty and forced you to pay for everything. This whole mess is his doing.”
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